Steve Minty
Anubis & Osiris Shadow Signature Edition Gilded Set w Pyramid
The Anubis & Osiris Shadow Signature Set Includes:
- 1x Osiris Shadow Signature Edition
- 1x Anubis Shadow Signature Edition
- 1x Lux Pyramid Display
Details about when :
- Available Monday April 5th 12pm Noon Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) for 12 Hours Only
- Will be an add-on option! (please refer to update #2 for the add-on guide)
- Limit 1 set per backer
- Only 150 sets available
- $200 for set + (Shipping: $10 US, $20 INT)
- Shipped separately
Anubis & Osiris Shadow Signature Edition Playing Cards:
- Special edition foiled tuck
- Personally signed by me
- Numbered to match the set
- Signature Seal
- Gold Gilded Anubis and Osiris Shadow decks
Lux Pyramid Display:
- Personally designed, engineered and invented by me from scratch
- Laser engraved and laser cut intricate details with extreme precision
- Comprised of Baltic Birch wood, Gold Mirror Lucite and White Lucite.
- LED lighting system with power cord and remote control to lighting. (note that power cord fits US standard electrical sockets)
- Numbered to match the set
- Felt bottomed to prevent scratching of table top surfaces
- Sized approximately 7"x 7"x 7"
Cards printed by Cartamundi