Luxurious and elegant custom playing cards based on the fascinating process that enables a pearl to be created inside an oyster.
The story behind Oyster Playing Cards from the creators themselves:
It was long ago, my dad used to work as a fisherman. Growing up with him I got to learn quite a few things about the sea. One that has fascinated me since, is the process in which a pearl is created inside an oyster. A foreign substance slips inside the shell and to protect itself, the oyster covers it with a nacre. A true mystery and beauty of nature itself.
The layers of an oyster's shell somehow reminds me of the art of magic.
Layers of deception.
Layers of mystery.
Layers of secrecy.
There is always more to uncover.
"Oyster Playing Cards" allow me to share this with the community. They have a back design that reflects complexity yet bold, minimalistic and classy. Standard faces for everyday uses and situations. And, as you scrutinize the cards, you will discover the hidden pearl. A work in constant progress.
This is also a marked deck of cards that uses an intrepid and deceptive marking system.
How the "Oyster Playing Cards" marking system was created:
This simple and effective marking system was designed to take full advantage of the powers of memorized deck work. It is super simple and easy to read quickly. You'll want to take full advantage of you. It can even be used to practice like a memorized deck trainer.
You'll instantly know the identify of any card and, with a bit of practice, know it's position and how to cut the deck to reach that playing card. This marking system is the perfectly tool for an memorized deck worker.
Printed by USPCC