Conjuror Community
Professional Rider Back Red
Printed by USPCC
These cards are printed on the highest quality casino stock with USPCC’s finest coating. This makes for a deck that not only feels as good as cards from 10 years ago, but even better. These cards will make many common sleights easier, and certain sleights and flourishes wouldn’t be possible with any other deck.
These decks are arranged similarly to the Spanish, or Fournier, order. It is a natural Stay-Stack or mirror stack and will allow those of you who use Mnemonica to get into stack more quickly than with regular Bicycles.
Three Built-In Revelations– We have designed 12 different card boxes. Although they will look the same to your audience, in actuality each reveals three commonly named cards in an unexpected manner. This is a new innovation from Conjuring Arts. One card is revealed on the inside of the box and another is revealed when your spectator calls the number under the bar code. Best of all, your spectators can watch the bar code itself transform into the name of a selected card!